What's everybody doing today?
I've been cleaning house and washing clothes all morning, listened to my One Year Audio Bible, that I've shared with you if you want to listen each day, and just sat down to blog. My how life changes with all these technical vehicles.
Speaking of technical vehicles, I've also been trying to learn my new phone. My Blackberry scroll ball stopped working, so I now have a Droid Verizon. I think I am challenged by this phone. I'm going to win! A quick trip to Verizon will fix me right up.
Rest of my day will be a trip to Costco and Verizon. Maybe we will eat out for lunch AND dinner. :)
Have a wonderful day and I love you!
Love and Blessings,
I am learning new technology,too. My teenaged vacuum gave up the ghost with a groan and puff of smoke the other day. I have been longing to try the new-fangled Dyson. Who knew that even something supposedly as simple as a vacuum has a learning curve!
We are headed out for the Bluebird concert and a picnic with friends this evening. Hope you enjoy yours. xoxo Jayne
I have a Dyson (had) the flood got it...but I loved it. I had the animal hair model of course. Really picks up good.
Your Sat evening sounds fun! Be careful, it is raining cats and dogs over here.
Oh my, what a blessing your blog is, not only to me but those I share it with. I enjoy it each new day and love, love, love the Bible on audio. Please continue sharing daily with us (or me please). I''m looking forward to tomorrow.
Love you.
We spent the day Saturday driving home from a vacation at the beach in S.C. Great time! On the way we listened to the new autobiography by former first lady, Laura Bush. I highly recommend it. She only occassionally makes a transparently biased political statement, most of the time her explainations of events leading up to the war are excellent.
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