Good morning,
Are we like the little child that sits when his father tells him to "sit down"!, but on the inside heis screaming, "I may be sitting on the outside, but I'm standing on the INSIDE!"
Here are the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit. We've gone through love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, and the last devotion was goodness. If you want to read any of the past blogs on the Fruit of the Spirit, you will find them on the right side of the blog archive.
Here are what some of the different Bible dictionaries and commentaries have to say about Faithfulness:
1.Fidelity which makes one true to his promise and faithful to his task
2.Steadfast, dedicated, dependable and worthy of trust
3.Steadfast, unchanging and thoroughly grounded in relation to the other
4.Dependability, loyalty and stability
He will expect us to stay loyal and faithful to all of them in our own personal relationships with them. A true friend will stay by your side for life – through thick and thin and for better or for worse. Just as God will stay faithful to you in His own personal relationship with you – He will expect us to stay loyal and faithful in our own personal relationships with the other people in our life.
With the self-centered and materialistic world in which we now live in, where many people’s only goals and ambitions are to get as much as they can out of this life while they still can – I am afraid this is one quality that is in very short supply. Most people are lucky if they manage to make 2 or 3 good, true, loyal and faithful friends in this lifetime.
This is one quality that God the Father is really watching all of us on. He is watching who is going to stay true, loyal and faithful to Him – and who will stay true, loyal and faithful to the friends and family that are brought into our lives.
The flesh is strong – especially in the area of wanting to satisfy its lust for the material things of this life. This is why this quality is one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit. We all need the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit worked into us to help us keep loyal to God, family and friends.
Romans 3:3 "What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God?"
2 Timothy 2:13 "if we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself."
Bible Knowledge.com
Love and blessings to you,
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