You've heard the expression before, "too GOOD to be true"? Fact is, that it's usually true.
There is one exception for sure. That exception is that God's 'GOODNESS' brings us to repentance. Makes us change our minds, turn the other way, and walk towards Him instead of whatever it is we have been following.
Our own desires?
These desires always fall under either Lust of the flesh, Lust of the eyes, or Pride of life. It is very plain that these desires are not of God, but they are of this world. The three are really all we can produce outside of God working his Spirit up and through our own unique personalities.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 2:15-16We are looking at the next Fruit of the Spirit...GOODNESS.
(From Bible Knowledge.com)
Now here are some of the different definitions of what this quality is all about:
1.Beneficence, ready to do good, love in action
2.Kindness in actual manifestation, virtue equipped for action, a bountiful propensity both to will and to do what is good, intrinsic goodness producing a generosity and a Godlike state or being
3.The word beneficence means the fact or quality of being kind or doing good
It's hard to imagine that someone is so good that the thought of even trying to manipulate you or use you to their own personal gain could ever even enter their minds. They truly do not think that way. It's hard to imagine because it is impossible to do unless that person is letting God work His goodness up through their personalities. Then it's not too good to be true.
Goodness has 'DRAWING POWER'. Remember that it is God's GOODNESS that draws you to repentance.
Romans 2:4 (Amplified Bible)Think about that one. If it is God's Goodness that draws one to Him and He is working His goodness up and out of your personality then you, my dear Spirit-Filled friend, are drawing others to God and all the glory goes to God.
4b... Are you unmindful or actually ignorant [of the fact] that God's kindness (goodness) is intended to lead you to repent ([a]to change your mind and inner man to accept God's will)?
Alleluia! What a Saviour
Love you,
You are one of if not the most awesome people that I know. Just read your blog. I am very uplifted by all the things that you write, but this just puts the frosting on the cake. I am so happy and very proud to be a friend. Thank you for your work and keep up the onspirations of life. No better time than now to have what you are sharing. Love and blessings,
What a Savior!!! It's nice to know when you're walking in the Spirit, every thought, action, and result is part of God's plan.
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