Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peculiar Treasure

A peculiar Treasure unto Me - Exodus 19:5
Good Morning,
I love this truth. I love that we are God's heart throb. Do you realize how often we forget this wonderful, fulfilling fact?
Make it personal...(your name) is a treasure to God.
Do you realize you are a treasure to God?
He tells us here..."They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in the day that I do make, even a peculiar treasure." (Mal 3:17, R. V.).
He tells us here... Psalms 139
He tells us here... John 3:16
He tells us here... The entire book of Song of Solomon (a love story)
He tells us here... "Ye are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that ye may show forth the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light" (1Pe 2:9, R. V.).

Where his treasure is, there is a man's heart. True with us and true with God...We are God's treasure.
We protect the things we treasure.
If it is in clothes, we guard against moths.
If it is in metal, we guard against rust and thieves.
Whatever it is we take care that it is taken care of also.
Is Christ less careful for His own treasures. We do not need to fear 'the theif'. Will not the Only-begotten keep us, so that the evil one shall not touch us (Mat 6:19-20)?

God's treasure is His forever. "They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in the day that I do make, even a peculiar treasure." He will hold His own, as men cling to their treasure, binding it to their body, in a storm at sea (Mal 3:17, R. V.).
God regards us with the ecstasy of a love that rejoices over us with singing; and counts on us as a mother on her child, a miser on His gold.
Love and blessings,

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Sneak preview..

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