I think you'll like my new trial version collage photo tool. I get to show it off with the ventures of my day...
Started out with a wonderful (puff, puff!) walk in Percy Warner Park. Walked for over an hour in beautiful surroundings with trees so big I could not even wrap my arms around it. As you can see the trail was over rugged terrain, up and down many hills. A great work out. Whew!

Then I found two great buys at Good Will. Yes, I shop at Good Will and proud of it. Just look at these treasures. I save a lot of money finding good 'stuff'.
We needed some bowls this size and they match the kitchen perfectly.
And I needed a tray to go on our ottoman out on the porch. Perfect! A big $3.00 Yes!!
Then I found two great buys at Good Will. Yes, I shop at Good Will and proud of it. Just look at these treasures. I save a lot of money finding good 'stuff'.
We needed some bowls this size and they match the kitchen perfectly.
Good Hair Day
And then last thing the day held was going with my sister, BB, to my daughters hair salon to get her hair cut. While there I got her to wash and blow dry mine too. A nice visit with her and a good way to end the day.
If you click on the collage you can see pic better.
awwwwww how nice sister! Wish I had been there!
Wish you could too!!! is this 'anonymous' BB, Patsi, or Cammy? FYI if you want to enter your name you can on the URL option instead of choosing anonymous. Maybe we can all walk this Sat. Up to it?
I am impressed. Where is the Percy Warner Park? Never thought about shopping at Goodwill although I have left some "stuff" there. I trust you did not get anything I left.
Don't be too impressed. I was too pooped to pop after the walk but hopefully will build up to the longer trails. Percy Warner has several entrances to the trails. One is at the end of Belle Meade Blvd. One is on Hwy 100...look for the large rock columns and drive way back to the end for parking and beginning of trails. There may be more but those are the two I'm familiar with.
I'm not sure who posted this comment because it was entered as anonymous. If one has a good eye, a 'washing machine' & 'dish washer' to sanitize', they can find some good buys at Good Will. What's funny is when I see things I've given to them. (sometimes I think...why did I give that away!)
We drop by there ever so often. It's not like a hot spot for us at all. Hit and Miss for sure
If you like, you can enter at the 'Comment as:' window URL in the drop menu, enter your name. Thank you for reading and commenting! Fun
Whee, Puff, this is good Lindy, lol, of course sensitive son of mine says, she didn't mention you guys were together walking, since he is who inspired you to do it, lol!!! He was anxcious to see the pics, they were good the way you did it
Love, BB
Love the Goodwill finds, pretty bowls!!!
Love the pretty bowls from GW!!
Thanks, BB. Yes,I was sure glad Eric was with me (or me with him?). Being there has been 2 rape/murders in that park, I would not go without him. He was sweet to always keep me in his sight while I lagged behind. Tell him thank you for sharing those great walking trails and we shall meet again.
I don't believe I have seen this before so enjoyed the Collages. I guess that wasn't me that replied earlier! or maybe it was??? Makes me want to visit some of our 'goodwill' stores. A fine one here is Samaritan House....run by our church and there is really a lot of nice stuff there. :) I love those bowls, and L and I use to roam Percy Warner all the time when we were in school.
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