Good morning,
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
Do you notice in this verse that it is 'we' that are to take every thought captive? How do you do that? Why do you do it? What is it that we use to guide which thoughts come against God and His way laid out for His children? Of course, it is His word.
A lot of 'thoughts' are no brainers that they are against God's ways. Our flesh may love it; may love the way it makes us feel. The thoughts have very temporary satisfaction at the given moment. We can't deny that there is His voice saying in a loving, powerful, convicting, jealous, way to "Not Go There".
If we let those thoughts hang around too long, they become part of us and end up having feet that will trample our lives to death. Why? Because they should have been taken captive by you and me and made obedient to Christ. We will loose our joy, peace, confidence, boldness, kindness, and the list goes on. I dare to say that we may not even recognize ourselves if we hang on to a thought pattern that is against God. Maybe others will begin to notice you are different and ask if you are all right.
There are list in His word that we would do well to use as an examination of the fruit we produce. ( Galatians 5)
You notice I said 'we' are producing. There is also another list in his word that is His fruit being produced. (Galatians 5) If you will take the time to read about this production list of fruit from the Holy Spirit and fruit from our flesh you will have a keen reminder of how totally depraved we are.
We need Jesus. We cannot produce His life.
A list of His fruit:
Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control
Let's look at one fruit today.
The results of LOVE. (taken from
* Unselfish, benevolent concern for another; brotherly concern; the object of brotherly concern or affection
* The self-denying, self-sacrificing, Christ-like love which is the foundation of all other graces
* Unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the well being of another
* The high esteem which God has for His human children and the high regard which they, in turn, should have for Him and other people
* To love, to have affection for someone; to like; to be a friend; the love of brothers for each other
The next devotion we will look at JOY.
When God the Father purposely isolates and spells out 9 specific qualities that will be coming direct from His Holy Spirit – He is really letting you know the extreme importance of these 9 specific fruits.
These 9 fruits are major fruits and qualities that are coming direct from God Himself – and every Christian should do the best they can to work with the Holy Spirit in getting all 9 of these fruits worked into his or her personality.
This is a life long process.
If we are guarding our thoughts and taking them captive to make them obedient to Christ, we are on the right road.
If we are not, let me remind us that our God will not leave us in that dark corner. He is there waiting to wrap us in His arms and love us back to Himself. Remember the prodigal son/daughter. Please focus on that truth. Don't let the enemy tell you God is mad and against you. That is a lie.