Thursday, December 9, 2010

To Me He Is So Wonderful! My Hero

Dec 2010
It's a glorious morning! Especially for my Dad because he entered Glory around 3:30 AM today. He has suffered with severe dementia, it is good to think about him knowing everyone and embracing Jesus and his passed loved ones.
I'm sure He has a beautiful heavenly garden!
He is passing that wonderful, bright, happy smile around heaven for sure!
I miss you, Daddy. I've missed you for a long time. I'm sorry for all you had to endure with the dementia. I'm sorry I could not be with you when you passed, but God in His mercy is perfect in His timing.
I love you, Daddy. Thank you for a life full of love from you and Mother. Thank you for teaching us the love of Jesus and His ways. We are so very proud of you!!!
and now it is July
July 2011
Funny how the mind works...
Now that we are back in our home and the stress of the flood, being out of our home for 8 months, dealing with Dad's dementia and his passing has somewhat settled down, life is finally beginning to feel normal again.
I am experiencing grief for Dad that couldn't find a window at his passing. Finally, my first thoughts of Dad are of the Dad as I knew him growing up and as an adult.
The Dad that was so full of wisdom, charm, and love.
I'm remembering his ways, his laughter, his positive spirit all the time...
I'm remembering how he use to take Mother in his arms and dance,
and the way he always worked so hard.
He always had more than one job.
He always had a garden and provided fresh vegetables for us every year. I can see him working in his garden even now.
I remember the word of God was the most important part of his life and he always let it be the light for his path.
He shared it, he lived it.
He was in church every time the doors would open.
I remember when I was late for a date, he would be at the front door (in his underwear) to meet me!
I remember him bringing a tray of fresh fruit, veggies, & nuts to snack on when we watched TV.
I can taste the milk toast he would fix on Sunday nights when we would get home from church.
When I would have my friends over, he would come walking into a room on his hands. Quite the show off...handsome devil that he was.
I remember his wise advise to me as an adult.
Everyone loved Dad.
He helped people all the time.
He had the gift of mercy.
Without a thought, he would be the first one to take up whatever the need and go for it.
He always loved working at his daughter's homes. He cut down so many trees in our yard, helped with gardens, and many other ventures.
He was a man that loved work. He didn't have much patience with laziness.
He never stopped loving to have a good neck and shoulder massage.
I could go on and on with so many wonderful memories.

It is with the above memories that are first in my mind when Dad walks through... instead of his last few years...when I would intently search trying to find some glimmer of the Father I knew... but he wasn't there. He was still the joker, still had that great sweet smile, still had a sweet spirit, and still spoke of the Lord but with awful confusion and feeling of displacement and heartache. He was like a giant puzzle and none of the pieces fit. I'm sure he was very afraid much of the time. 

Come Aug 7, we will be visiting Dad and Mother's grave site. This will be the first time since his death that my sisters and I have had a chance to have closure together...a sister time is planned for all day Monday, Aug 8. We are looking so forward to this time together to remember our parents. Cherishing each moment with each other.
See ya soon, sistas!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010's his birthday

I've got to go to work this morning but I've scattered birthday cheer all over HIS places...





You think I got it covered? 
Happy Birthday, honey. I love you!!
Your Bride

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I love because....

Wishing each a very happy, thankful, blessed Thanksgiving! 
Won't you please send one thing you are thankful for in the comments.  Let's see how many blessings we can share with each other.
I'll go first:  I'm thankful for YOU!

November 25, 2010

A Season for Humble Gratitude

by Charles R. Swindoll

Psalm 116:1-7

It's baaaack!

The age-old yuletide season is about to slip in the door once again. Better not shout, better not pout, for the malls will be playing "Jingle Bells" several thousand times between now and December 25. If you're not careful, the crowds and commercialism will weigh you down like that fourth helping of stuffing at Thanksgiving dinner. And there's nothing worse than a jaded attitude that resists the true spirit of the season.

Although this has been a challenging year in numerous ways, we have a practical reason to look back over it with gratitude for God's protection and grace to each of us. This reflection sets in motion the ideal mental attitude to carry us through the weeks ahead. In other words, a sustained spirit of humble gratitude will make the period leading up to December 25 an integral part of the Christmas celebration rather than a dreadful marathon run toward the finish.

We live in a world fraught with evil---one in which innocent people are gunned down as they go about their business, where world governments seem powerless to stop those whose intent is to control through fear. But we cannot afford to end the year in frustration. I---like you---have seen and experienced God's hand of protection and mercy, even in the toughest moments.

During this holiday season, let's pledge not to let ingratitude become our creed or cynicism our stumbling block. As we consistently remind ourselves of God's provision in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, the holidays will become a special time of spiritual enrichment, personal renewal, and genuine gratitude.

Sometimes, though, it can be a challenge to give God daily praise and look for His hand, even when we possess the knowledge of His love and faithfulness. If you find yourself in this situation, often the Psalms are a great source to get you back on track.

Psalm 116 is an extraordinary expression of love---addressed to God! "How do I love Thee, God?" the psalmist seems to ask. In his answers, he sets forth several magnificent truths about God's goodness and deliverance.

I love the LORD, because He hears

My voice and my supplications.

Because He has inclined His ear to me,

Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.

The cords of death encompassed me

And the terrors of Sheol came upon me;

I found distress and sorrow.

Then I called upon the name of the LORD:

"O LORD, I beseech You, save my life!"

Gracious is the LORD, and righteous;

Yes, our God is compassionate.

The LORD preserves the simple;

I was brought low, and He saved me.

Return to your rest, O my soul,

For the LORD has dealt bountifully with you. (116:1-7)
How do we love our God? We love Him by counting the many ways He has been good to us and, as the psalmist did, by sharing His goodness with others. What does God desire? Our humble thanks. Our heartfelt gratitude. He wants us to be hungry for life, to treasure every day He entrusts to us. When you have a quiet moment, read the entire psalm, expressing your own heart of gratitude to our loving Lord.

Let the wonder of the season wash over you again. God loves you and me with every bit of His heart, to the extent that He gave us the very best gift: life, wrapped up in the form of His Son. It's this life---the abundant life---that Jesus promised. This is the true spirit of the season.

Let's be humbly grateful.

Adapted from Charles R. Swindoll, “A Season for Humble Gratitude,” Insights (November/December 2002). Copyright © 2002, Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Chicken Squat

So it is pitch dark...I can't even see my hand much less my path to the bed.
I said, "Dang, John, I can't see squat!"
Where upon he says, " Honey, I didn't know Squat was in here." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We went to sleep laughing . That was last night.

Now here is the Rest of the Story.

Years ago I was reminiscing about my pet rooster named, Leroy. I got him as a little darling blue chicken Easter week like we always did at he Burlington Hardware store. I found out later as 'he' grew up that he was a proud, white rooster with great fangs and a red crest like you wouldn't believe. I sat there a minute and said to John,

"if I ever get a chicken, I'm going to name him Squat."

He still laughs to this day at that had to be there.

That darling little blue chicken grew up all right. As my daily chore, I took the garbage out and Leroy would walk with me the whole way... but this time little darling Leroy stuck those fangs out, flapped his wings and charged me. I dropped the garbage all over the yard and ran for my life, screaming bloody murder... I jumped on top of the new barbecue Dad had made and stayed there until my rescue. Leroy trying his best to jump/fly up there to eat me alive.

Needless to say...Off Leroy went to the chicken farm...

I remember how badly Leroy hurt my feelings! After all, I did feed, water and probably even dressed him up with doll clothes! How could he??

I understand now... he just wanted a little chickadee.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I know her as BB...

I've been with this lady since before birth.

I'm sure we sucked each other's thumb, kicked and scratched, blew bubbles, poked in the eyes, and no telling what else goes on in those 9 mths. I saw her before anyone on earth. We probably developed a language that only the other knows. I'm sure she pushed me out first; but that sounds so much more like something I would do.

I have 10 minutes on her so I've always been considered the oldest. Guess that took because I don't know about her, but I have always felt the constant need to watch over my sister. I could tell you some stories...fact, I am going to tell some.

BB, you about gave me a heart attack when you got in the car with those strange boys that said they were helping Dad at a house he was you went with that smile on your face and that wave like I was so silly insisting you not get in that car.

BB, why did you steal the Sunday School money and the bubble gum from Pass's 5 & 10? You got me in trouble when you came up beside me giggling; showing me what you stole. I can remember the shock even now as I took it to enjoy! We were chewing that gum that looked like oranges in our mouth trying to act like we didn't know what Mother was talking about. get that?...WE had to go in and apologize to Mrs. Pass and pay for the gum. Mother made you give back the SS money too. At least I didn't get blamed for that.

BB, I tried to get you not to run out and flag down Larry Proffitt when he drove by our house. Off you went and even got in the car and off you went again. Me standing there wondering how I was going to cover this one with Mickey! Poor Mickey. Thanks to you, little sister, I got to be on the phone with him for hours when he had a gun in his hand demanding that I tell him where you were and were you with that Larry guy!! Yeah, right! I'm going to tell him.

BB, I loved chasing you around the yard with a worm to throw on you. HA-HA. You were so afraid of them. You would go screaming to Mother.

BB, can you remember I would pay you to let me roll your hair? There was something wrong with that picture but I didn't realize it at the time.

BB, can you remember me trying to help you study while you gazed out in the air at 'something'? I'd finally give up. You would help me study too.

BB, do you remember when we would sing on our swings as we flew up to the clouds? We sang like there was no tomorrow (in hopes our producer neighbor would 'discover' our talent and put us on TV) You always had such a pretty voice. I followed along trying to copy.

BB, remember when you said Jesus was nosey in Sunday School when the teacher told us he knew everything about us and was watching?

BB, remember when I brought my date with me to see you in the hospital? You had your first baby. I won't say what you did that took so long and over and over!!

Mother told us that she would find us sound asleep yet resting on one elbow looking and talking to each other from our twin beds.

I use to drive you crazy flipping my toes at night.

We would sing to the top of our voice "Mr Sandman" at night. I don't know who we thought would hear our great talent.

Remember that Christmas Eve we were trying our best to go to sleep so Santa wouldn't pass over the house. Well, we ran screaming out of the bedroom when a face appeared in the window with an elf hat on AND we heard the jinkle bells? Scared us to death!

There is so much more I could write and probably will one day. This is way too long for anyone outside our family to be interested. If so, sweet of you to indulge memory lane.

But I'm proud to say you are my sister, sissy girl BB. I'm glad I still feel like I'm looking over you; but you know what? I can remember many times when I don't know what I would have done if you had not been there.

I love you, BB.

Lindy Lou

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Some are better...

Granted...some days are better than others. Today there is a heaviness.
We are on a roll trying to find that 'perfect' home for our Father. He falls in the category of needing constant 24 hour watch, but not sick. He has to have a place that is a lock down. He will find a way out. He reminds me of an ant. The least tiny opening, out he will go.
I admire his gumption, his determination, his kindness, his fight to survive, and his spunk. He is a gentle man and a gentleman.
I wonder what it is like in his mind. That he can't find himself must be a frightening experience, that I can't even go to. I picture him running around in his mind like a lost child seeking something familiar that will give him comfort. Grasping at any memory and trying to find it's place. How hard, how very hard.
He ask my sister if she was Lula? He ask if Lula had sent him away to this place? Lula is his deceased wife.
This chapter in our family is not a good chapter. I wonder what the ending will be. We are looking to God to bring about His plan for Dad. He knows the circumstances of each daughter. He knows Dad's financials. He knows and has gone ahead to prepare this path and will meet him there.
May we daughters have the ears to hear, the wisdom to know.
I ask for prayer.

I love you,

Friday, September 3, 2010

A little here, A little there...

Don't you love this pre-season of Fall? The hot days seem so out of place now. The pleasant evenings are not only enjoyable, but exciting. Makes me want to get all dressed up... but no where to go! LOL - Friday night dates have never lost their thrill.
I can remember Friday nights when I was a teenager like it was yesterday. Football games, dates or out with the girlfriends, spend the night with friends, and talk, talk, talk. I don't think there were any secrets. Alas...must we grow up?
Well, of course, on to bigger and better! Families of your own, the ups and downs of life, having enough life to look back on with 20/20 vision, maturity and all that wisdom we surely have gained...whether we pay attention to it or not.
Most of all, enough of life that we can see God's hand in our life directing us, preparing us. Looking back surely is 20/20 vision.
For it is [His prophets repeating over and over]: precept upon precept, precept upon precept, rule upon rule, rule upon rule; here a little, there a little.
A little here, a little there.... then we see better, we understand better, we love better, we know we are loved better, we know there is a reason, we know we don't have to know that reason, we cry better and laugh deeper. Life is intense and calm at the same time.
Don't you just love life?
Every time you think you might have it figured out...well, you know what I mean.

God -God -God- God- God -GOD- GOD- GOD- GOD

and HE IS

I love you,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wed Update..

Addressing Meme/Patsi's comment:
I'm glad I sound that way, but you can imagine that it is not always a good time. But we are getting there slowly.
They had to concrete the kitchen floor yesterday to level it. I didn't know I had unlevel floors! Today they dug up a stopped up pipe that is suppose to be taking water from the downspout to the creek. Instead it was letting the water back into the crawlspace. We are finding a lot of things we can correct. Created monsters unknowingly with landscaping.
A sump pump will also go in crawlspace that can pump out a 50 gal trash can of water in less than a minute. We will go to an area that is the lowest, dig out a big hole, add rock, put the sump pump and it will automatically pump when water hits it. Yeah!!
Don't you love the way I say "we will"? I guess I should say "we will watch".
Hope all have had a good day and will have even a better evening.
Pictures tomorrow.
Love and blessings,

Sunday, August 29, 2010




End of Oct??

How is everyone doing on this cloudy Sunday?
We are low key around here with things to do, but haven't got out the door yet. Anyone got a match?
The way things are going it looks as though we won't be able to move back home until end of Oct or later.
The Henrick's have to be the kindest people in the world. It's embarrassing that we are still here in their lovely home.
There is nothing that is appropriate to show our gratitude to their giving hearts! How humbling!
God is GOOD and we are thankful.
Pictures are showing where we are at this point of renovation. Gone from the flood water to close to getting the floors installed. Carl is working on design. Wood flooring has to lay out for a week before being installed and the 2 weeks before sanded. Within that time, the kitchen cabinets will get here and be installed and we still have to purchase the fridge, stove, oven, microwave, lighting, etc. Everything painted, and then the clean up outside which is a huge mess with a capitol M! Wanta help? LOL
No check from insurance yet. :(

Love you all,

Sneak preview..

This second project for the summer is almost complete.  First project was getting John's Vegetable garden ready for him to enjoy.  I s...