The Nashville Flood of 2010 got us. There are many people in Nashville that have lost everything! Their homes were completly covered by water. Please pray for them. Many were killed. Bodies are still being found.
Here are pictures from the beginning to the end. The beginning of cleaning up the damage. The water actually got deeper than these pics. The white flowers and the little angel heads you see in some of the pics were totally covered.
The water came up through the floors. I'm standing in my bedroom in the middle of the floor and all the sudden my feet got wet. Then I saw it seeping up all over.
We will need to move out for a few months to have the house dried, cleaned & sanitized, floors replaced, sheet rock replaced, painted, etc.
It's a lot of pictures so you may want to start at the end to see the actual flooding. Boring otherwise as these were made for the adjuster
Our church family have been wonderful to bring us food and help. I just really want to thank the Lord for them. One precious lady took my laundry home to wash for us...and her dryer is broken! Is that a special person or what!
It's a blessed mess.