Good Morning,
I hope all you DDO's are sparring well these days. Darting in and out as life unfolds.
Ever been going along minding your own business when BAM! something happens that knocks you right off your feet? Something you never thought about or imagined. Whether good or bad, this is part of life. As you read this devotion, you will probably do as I did. I did a hindsight on all the events in my life that I would consider a whopping surprise...Took me off guard...Moments I'll never forget... Actions and statements that are life changing.
Memories came in no particular order from
*a tender stroke on the cheek to
*a simple statement, "I want a divorce" to
*another simple statement, "Mother and Dad have been in a car accident" to
*Mother didn't make it." to
*"I love you. Will you spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?"
*"You are 3 months pregnant"
*"I already know...for your sake, you need to tell me"
*"You are already forgiven"
* "It's a boy"
*"I want to live with my Dad" (that one about killed me)
*"Mom, I'm coming home" (You Lift Me Up!)
*"Are you my daughter"?
*"You died when I died over 2000 yrs ago"... and the list could go on and on.
A lot of 'Whews' in life when you stop and think about it.
See if you don't walk down memory lane as well.
My walk helped to bring alive the emotions Chuck has reminded us of in this devotion. Which also is testimony that God goes before us, meets us there, prepares us for the surprises in life, without us even knowing it is going on.
I would love to hear some of your Whews in life...Share some events with me and let me know if you want me to pass them on.
Love and blessings to you,
December 17, 2009
by Charles R. Swindoll
Genesis 17:15-17; 18:9-14; Joshua 6:1-22; 1 Corinthians 15:52-58
The feelings are familiar. Mouth open. Eyes like saucers. Chill up the spine. Heart pounding in the throat. Momentary disbelief. We frown and attempt to piece the story together without a script or narrator. Sometimes alone, occasionally with others . . . then boom! "The flash of a mighty surprise" boggles the mind, leaving us somewhere between stunned and dumb with wonder. "Am I dreaming or is a miracle happening?" So it is with surprises.
O. Henry did it with his endings. World War II, with its beginning. Surprises start parties and they stop partnerships. They solve murders, they enhance birthdays and anniversaries, they embellish friendships. Kids at Christmas love 'em. Parents expect 'em. Coaches use 'em. Politicians diffuse 'em.
We like 'em and we hate 'em. Just a few one-liners illustrate both reactions.
"Dr. Brown would like to discuss your X-rays right away."
"Class, take out a clean piece of paper . . . it's pop quiz time."
"We've been on the wrong road for an hour. Here, look at the map."
"The alarm didn't go off. It's almost noon!"
"Hello . . . I'm calling from the bank regarding your checking account."
"Honey, the doctor heard three heartbeats today."
"The boss wants to see you. No need to take off your coat."
"Congratulations---you made the cheerleading squad."
"We are happy to inform you your manuscript has been accepted for publication."
"This is Officer Franklin. We have your son down at the station. He's under arrest."
"The tumor we suspected to be malignant is actually benign."
"It isn't a carburetor problem, ma'am. Your whole engine is shot!"
"Sweetie, that wasn't leftover stew. It was Alpo."
"Did you know the bathroom scales weigh twelve pounds light?"
"Mom . . . Dad . . . Byron wants to marry me!"
And on and on they go. The highs and lows of our lives are usually triggered by surprises. Within split seconds we are sobbing or laughing like crazy . . . staring in bewildered confusion or wishing we would wake up from a dream.
Ever stopped to trace the surprises through the Bible? That Book is full of them when you look at certain events through the eyes of people in that day. Like . . . when Adam and Eve stumbled upon Abel's fresh grave. When Enoch's footprints stopped abruptly. When Noah's neighbors first realized it wasn't sprinkling. When aged Sarah said, "Ze angel vasn't kidding, Abe!" When Moses's ears heard words from a bush that wouldn't stop burning. When Pharaoh's wife screamed, "He's dead! Our son is dead!" When manna first fell from the sky. When water first ran from the rock. When Jericho's walls came tumbling down. When a ruddy runt named David whipped a rugged warrior named Goliath. When a judge named Samson said yes instead of no. When a prophet named Jonah said no instead of yes. When a woman from Samaria had a Jewish Stranger tell her all her secrets. When the disciples discovered that Judas was guilty. When the only perfect One who ever lived was nailed to a criminal's cross. When Mary saw Him through the fog that epochal Sunday morn.
And that's just a quick review of the snapshots. I mean, if we had time to enjoy the whole album, we'd be up 'til midnight. It's gasp-and-gulp city right up to the end.
And speaking of the end, that last page will be the greatest shock of all. Talk about "the flash of a mighty surprise!" How does "like a thief in the middle of the night" grab you? How about "in a moment . . . in the twinkling of an eye"? Gives me the willies just writing those words. Imagine all those open mouths, eyes like saucers, spine-tingling chills high up in the clouds!
Jesus's return will be the absolute greatest surprise. Well, maybe I had better not say that. The greatest surprise is that people like us will be included in the group, stunned and dumb with wonder. Let's face it, that won't be just a surprise or a dream. That'll be a flat-out miracle.
Excerpted from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life, Copyright © 1983 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by arrangement with Zondervan Publishing House.
Philippians 4:7, "... His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
Sharing the highlights of my life. I would love to hear from you. Your comments are important to me.
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