Thursday, October 15, 2009

To call it, is to have it.

Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.
By Linda Coles

You've heard the expression, "To call it, is to have it"?

Meaning tthings we usually see/hear in someone's life that we find ourselves making a judgement call, are more than likely true about ourselves as well. We may not realize it. If we do, we justify or deny it.

It's wimpy and hateful. I hate it. I hate it when I do it, and especially hate it when others do...of course.

OK. So what do we do with this wimpy, stupid, hateful attitude; since it shows it's face so much?

I am reminded of Paul saying in Romans 7 & 8, how he does the things he should not do and doesn't do the things he should.

Bottom line is Paul


meaning he has taken the power to obey our flesh away.

So on those grounds we can make a choice when that button is pushed.

*We can follow through with our crude remarks to the person,

*hold our tongue and have those lofty thoughts about them (you can almost see the snarled invisible nose on our foreheads),

*or gossip about this person all in the name of love or prayer. Any name will do as long as it sugar coats the sin.

the best choice that will make your Maker smile is to immediately say to your Father,
"Here...take this...
I surely must have it in me to have such buttons pushed by her/his actions.
You didn't die in vain for me.
You didn't suffer in vain for my victory over sin and death.
I am so bad you had to die for me,
You loved me so much you were glad to do it. "

I have also found to be disappointed in myself is to have believed there was some good in me.

Our righteousness is Jesus. Period!
I won't be disappointed in myself if I truly believe this.

All I need to do is to agree with that condemning voice.

I find it good to say,
"Yes, that's what makes Jesus so precious."

Somehow, there is a calm & mercy afterward. I wonder why!
A smile in my heart really feels so much better than that hateful ol' condemning spirit of myself or another.
Love you...have a great day, dear friend.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Unloading Zone & Insight for Today

We all know the truths Swindoll speaks of in the following devotion.
Why don't we take steps to make it happen? Life would be so much lighter.
God gave us each other for a reason. When you look around life, most everything is a pair or more. Doesn't that speak volume's?
Sharing is especially meant to be in His body. Christian brothers and sisters bearing each others burdens is a beautiful picture.
If you are carrying an especially heavy load and that back pack is getting bigger than you are, know that God intends for you to find an unloading zone and start sharing that load.
Whether it be a special friend, a group or family member. Try it out and see if the load doesn't get lighter.
There may be no answers, but to share is to let someone care and that lightens the load...or... I suppose, you could keep carrying that back pack of whatever and it could eventually swallow you up, breaking every bone in your body.
Have a wonderful day, Love & blessings

"The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever."

A Place to Unload
by Charles R. Swindoll
Galatians 5-6
This thing called life is an awfully long journey. For some, it seems an endless trip, filled with thankless responsibilities and relentless tasks, disappointments and deadlines, and daily demands.
Being imperfect doesn't help. Every so often we make stupid decisions. We say things we wish we could retrieve. Selfishly, we look out for number one and later regret it.
We act impulsively and realize, after the fact, how foolish we were, how dumb we looked. On top of all that, we hurt the ones we love the most. All this stuff caves in on us at certain times, and we wonder how anybody could ever love us . . . especially God.
When we start thinking like this, we need to turn our mind to the "one anothers" in the New Testament.
Here's just a sampling:
Love one another, build up one another,
live in peace with one another,
confess your sins to one another,
speak to one another,
admonish one another,
comfort one another,
pray for one another.
I deliberately saved my favorite for last:
"Bear one another's burdens" (Gal. 6:2).
Imagine two mountain hikers trudging along, each carrying a backpack. The one on the left has a tiny, light pack that a kid could carry, while the poor soul on the right is so loaded down we can't even see his head or his body.Let's imagine what he might be lugging in that pack down that long road. It could be a long-standing grudge that's poisoning his insides.
It might be a broken relationship with his wife or one of his kids. That pack could be loaded with unpaid bills, all of them overdue.
The question is, Where can that fella on the right go to unload so the fella on the left can help "bear the burden"?
By sitting in church alongside a few hundred or a couple thousand other folks? Hardly.
What he needs most is to be involved in an adult fellowship in a small-group setting, a place where there is person-to-person caring and the opportunity for authentic sharing. Where he will feel free, without embarrassment or shame, to tell his secret or state his struggle; where someone will listen, help him unload, and give him fresh strength.
Adult fellowships and small groups are not miniature church services. They are pockets of people who love Christ and believe in helping one another. They don't point fingers or preach or compare. They are your brothers and sisters in Christ.Once you begin unloading that pack, you'll discover how much easier the journey seems.
Are you involved in a small fellowship group?
If not, consider joining or starting a group---especially if your load is too heavy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"I'm not telling" ... more than a joking expression & Insight for Today

Just to be light hearted, I have an expression I use when ask a question . You will hear me say "I'm not telling"; which may not really mean I'm not going to answer. I'm playing.
But when shared a confidence by a friend, we dare not take this trust worthiness lightly.
To justify their guilt, I've heard so many give 'reasons' why they told a confidence,. There are none that are acceptable.
Ever had that happen to you on either side?
All it does is make me know I can't share a confidence with them any more. All it does is make a reputation for yourself that you can't be trusted.
It's no big deal to see walls of trust crumble down, to loose respect, to be kept at a distance instead of drawn close.
So it's OK, go ahead and tell!
Yeah, right! No, it's not all right.
I pray we all have a room in our hearts that cannot be entered by any unauthorized person. The name on that door is TRUSTWORTHY.

On Being Confidential
by Charles R. Swindoll
Romans 1:21-32
Be honest now, can you keep a secret?
When privileged information passes through one of the gates of your senses, does it remain within the walls of your mind, or is it only a matter of time before a leak occurs?
Do you respect a person's trust or ignore it, either instantly or ultimately?

The longer I live, the more I realize the scarcity of people who can be fully trusted with confidential information. And the longer I live, the more I value those rare souls who fall into that category! As a matter of fact, if I were asked to list the essential characteristics that mark a person of integrity and trust, the ability to maintain confidences would rank very near the top.

A portion of the physician's Hippocratic Oath comes to mind: "And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession . . . if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.

"We would be justly offended by a doctor who treated our "holy secrets" lightly. The same applies to a minister or an attorney, a counselor or a parent, a teacher or a secretary, a colleague or a friend. Especially a close friend.Solomon wrote some strong words concerning this subject in his Proverbs. Listen to his wise counsel and remember it the next time you are tempted to run off at the mouth:
When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise. (10:19)
He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy conceals a matter. (11:13)
The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. (13:3)
He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip. (20:19)
In light of these scriptural admonitions, I suggest we establish four practical ground rules:
1. Whatever you're told in confidence, do not repeat.
2. Whenever you're tempted to tell a secret, do not yield.
3. Whomever you're talking about, do not gossip.
4. However you're prone to disagree, do not slander.

Be honest now, can you keep a secret?
Prove it.
A confidence kept gives others confidence in you.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This is great! Pray for your husband...pray for your wife.

Head "Father, continually renew ____________’s mind, resulting in a transformed life. Help him bring every thought into captivity to make it obedient to Christ. Give him a greater understanding of Your Word. Help him to think on things that are pure and right and worthy of praise." (Psalm 119:15, Romans. 12:2, 2 Cor.10:5)
Eyes "Lord, keep opening ___________’s eyes to deep spiritual truths. Help him to see things as You see them. Please guard his eyes from looking at worthless things. " (Psalm 119:18, Psalm 119:37)
Ears "Father, let ____________ hear Your voice clearly. Help him to recognize your voice with certainty. Protect him from listening to anyone who is not seeking and walking with You. Help him not to be affected negatively by what others say and to discern between good and evil. Give him the ability to determine what is of You and what is not." (Isaiah. 30:21, 1 Kings 3:9, 1 John 4:1)
Mouth "Help _____________ to speak the truth in love. Help him to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Give him the courage to lovingly confront when necessary. Let the words he speaks be Yours, not his own. Help him speak words that bring grace and truth to the hearers. I also pray that you will help him to grow in his ability and desire to communicate with you and others." (Psalm 19:14, 119:13, 41:3; Ephesians 4:15, 4:29; James 1:19)
Heart "Give ________________a heart that seeks passionately after You. Teach him to guard his heart with diligence. Help him deal with anything in his heart that is not pleasing to You. Create in him a pure heart. Enable him to lead our family with integrity." (Psalm 78:72, 119:10-11; Proverbs. 4:23; 1 Thessalonians. 3:13)
Hands "Lord, I pray that everything ___________does would be done with his whole heart, serving You rather than man. I pray that You will also help him to increase his skills and his abilities. Bless everything he puts his hands to." (Psalm 24:3-4, Colossians 3:23)
Feet I pray _______________ would love Your Words and walk in Your ways. I pray that He would be able to walk in a manner that is worthy of You, bearing fruit in every good work, and that He would pass Your truths to our children as he walks along life's path. Father, when he walk through the valley of the shadow of doubt and difficulties, I pray that he would fear no evil because He knows that you are with him. (Deuteronomy 6:7, 8:6, Colossians 1:10, Psalm 23:4)

Sneak preview..

This second project for the summer is almost complete.  First project was getting John's Vegetable garden ready for him to enjoy.  I s...