It's a glorious morning! Especially for my Dad because he entered Glory around 3:30 AM today. He has suffered with severe dementia, it is good to think about him knowing everyone and embracing Jesus and his passed loved ones.
I'm sure He has a beautiful heavenly garden!
He is passing that wonderful, bright, happy smile around heaven for sure!
I miss you, Daddy. I've missed you for a long time. I'm sorry for all you had to endure with the dementia. I'm sorry I could not be with you when you passed, but God in His mercy is perfect in His timing.
I love you, Daddy. Thank you for a life full of love from you and Mother. Thank you for teaching us the love of Jesus and His ways. We are so very proud of you!!!
and now it is July
July 2011
Funny how the mind works...
Now that we are back in our home and the stress of the flood, being out of our home for 8 months, dealing with Dad's dementia and his passing has somewhat settled down, life is finally beginning to feel normal again.
I am experiencing grief for Dad that couldn't find a window at his passing. Finally, my first thoughts of Dad are of the Dad as I knew him growing up and as an adult.
The Dad that was so full of wisdom, charm, and love.
I'm remembering his ways, his laughter, his positive spirit all the time...
I'm remembering how he use to take Mother in his arms and dance,
and the way he always worked so hard.
He always had more than one job.
He always had a garden and provided fresh vegetables for us every year. I can see him working in his garden even now.
I remember the word of God was the most important part of his life and he always let it be the light for his path.
He shared it, he lived it.
He was in church every time the doors would open.
I remember when I was late for a date, he would be at the front door (in his underwear) to meet me!
I remember him bringing a tray of fresh fruit, veggies, & nuts to snack on when we watched TV.
I can taste the milk toast he would fix on Sunday nights when we would get home from church.
When I would have my friends over, he would come walking into a room on his hands. Quite the show off...handsome devil that he was.
I remember his wise advise to me as an adult.
Everyone loved Dad.
He helped people all the time.
He had the gift of mercy.
Without a thought, he would be the first one to take up whatever the need and go for it.
He always loved working at his daughter's homes. He cut down so many trees in our yard, helped with gardens, and many other ventures.
He was a man that loved work. He didn't have much patience with laziness.
He never stopped loving to have a good neck and shoulder massage.
I could go on and on with so many wonderful memories.
It is with the above memories that are first in my mind when Dad walks through... instead of his last few years...when I would intently search trying to find some glimmer of the Father I knew... but he wasn't there. He was still the joker, still had that great sweet smile, still had a sweet spirit, and still spoke of the Lord but with awful confusion and feeling of displacement and heartache. He was like a giant puzzle and none of the pieces fit. I'm sure he was very afraid much of the time.
Come Aug 7, we will be visiting Dad and Mother's grave site. This will be the first time since his death that my sisters and I have had a chance to have closure together...a sister time is planned for all day Monday, Aug 8. We are looking so forward to this time together to remember our parents. Cherishing each moment with each other.
See ya soon, sistas!